Who would of known? IT might have originated from Neanderthals…

La Pasiega Cave Art (Neaderthal)
La Pasiega Cave Art (Neaderthal) Photo: P.Saura

Information Technology is not something new, it’s been around for ages. In fact it’s been here ever since Homo sapiens and if history is right, it might also suggest we should adapt to a more regenerative mindset to not follow the faith our fellow Neanderthals did due to climate changes.

Humans are thought to first been able to communicate through the use of sound expressions or simple drawings known as petroglyths which usually we call cave paintings or rock carvings today. The earliest rock carvings date back to at least 45,500 years ago and is located in Indonesia and is a picture of a wild pig. However there is also a study from 2018 that have found cave paintings dated back early as 64,000 years ago which are located in the Iberian Peninsula and it is said to be evidence that the first sort of petroglyths seems to have come from Neanderthals.

This might suggest that there might be more than 4 phases that we should divide the history of Information Technology in. However SWEIT would not want to confuse people with our own definitions of this era. So since we lack a good term for the “Neaderthals period” we will include it in the Premechanical period for now.

Premechanical: Between 64000 and 1450A.D.
(In literature this period is 30.000 b.c, but for this piece it also reflects 64.000 years bc. due to new findings made in the last decade)

More studies and findings concludes that the Neanderthals had the ability to speak and use language much in the same way modern day humans have been doing for ages, but more evidence of Information Technology such cave arts, might suggest the evolution between Homo sapiens and Neanderthals might be more semantics than we previously thought. It might even suggest that these fellow human beings, that probably were more a reflection of us selfs might have thought us a thing or two. Before the Neaderthals went instinct due to what might have been caused by climate change, they might actually have thought Homo Sapiens the use of Information Technology.

Stay tuned becuase next week, SWEIT will focus on the second era of Information Technology!

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