Mechanical: between 480s and 1840
(In litterature this period really starts around 1450 A.D. but for this article the start was rather from 480’s reflecting the Chinese woodblock press technology (IT). However it could of started earlier still)
The mechanical age shows the first connections between our current technology and its ancestors. The mechanical age can’t really be defined to start directly after the the “premechanical” era, since studies shows written Sumerian language was developed already around 3100 BC and commonly used for it’s tablets and coins. So there should be an overlapping era, due to transitions made in technology and approaches around the world.
But SweIT would like to dedicate “the start of the Mechanical era” to around 480s to 1400s due to the wide use of Chinese woodblock printing, that became a popular form of creating content around the world, until the transition to the new European printing press technology provided by Johannes Gutenberg around 1450 (inspired by the woodblock printing).
But between 1450 and 1840 many new technologies evolved and were developed. The interest to automate the process of symbols, words, and calculations, exploded!
From a climate and resource perspective: We should perhaps be thankful today, that some inventions were never built. The picture above portrays the scale of Charles Babbage idea of the programmable computer from 1837!
There were lots of different machines invented during this time, but not yet any machine that could do more than one type of calculation in one, like our modern-day computers (calculators). And make notice, there was no outspoken worries at the time about if this era was sustainable or not . If you look at the size of some of these inventions, the time and resources invested for the end results compared to the power behind them, it seems today absolutely ludicrous why anybody would ever attempt to use them. But as always new technology did the same to people then, as it still does now days. ALL of this creativity that we pour out of us selfs, can have HUGE impact on society..
Stay tune for next weeks update! Then we will enter the third phase of Information Technology!