In recent updates to our blog we might have suggest other wise. However we want to be clear there are clear benefits being made in all kinds of circumstance like in business, education, security, health, manufacturing, environment, science, space and of course in general to our virtual worlds, where we create the likes of world metropoles which has never been seen before. But behind everything there seems to be a lot of by products that push new perspectives.
So starting from this week forward SWEIT wants to initiate a new series of “pros vs cons” articles, where we list services related to Information Technology and question our selfs and our ideas about it. We begin with:

- The World Wide Web / < The internet > ….sometimes referred to wide-area network (WAN)
I think we all can agree upon that the advantages & benefits of outweigh the disadvantages in reference to what the internet enables for us all. But lets take a step back and see where it all started. It stems from the vision of securing messages between interconnected computers and it was the Information Processing Technique Office (IPTO) at DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) who got funded to create ARPANET (the forerunner of internet as we know it).
IPTO was envisioned to “support research on the conceptual aspects of command and control.” and the CCR (Command and Control Research) project was assigned to IPTO in 1961 through ARPA . It purpose was to provide a better understanding of organizational, informational, and man-machine relationships.
Previously different computer hubs were not enabled to communicate to each other from different sites because they consisted of different networks that were not compatible. Logically one would want all messages that was sent from one site to another, to be retrieved by the sites that the message was intended for, even in circumstances where the sender goes offline.
This was where the idea to set up one network took off! One network where sites in different regions could join and function as one system, even when if site goes offline there are sites online that’s keeps the network functioning. To create this vision, intermittent message processor where used (now called routers) as part of enabling a infrastructure to send and received small individual packages of information.
The packages were routed over a shared network, where each node/site routed the packaged onward to another node/site until it reaches it’s destination. So if you today have a router connected to the internet, you act as the intermediate and together all of our routers contributes to enable the vast reach that the internet has today.
“The more we engage in doing everything online, the more there’s going to be bits of our life that we probably don’t want to be part of our public online profiles. “
Since there are alot of users of the internet, many companies are enabling platforms or marketplaces that collect data, which can provide insights about the users and the products. It should be generally known by now how websites mine every bits of your data, meaning the more we do everything online, the more data of our public profile online is gathered.
If you never heard about Cambridge Analytica, please read up on the ways we are providing tools for corporation and power to states in how to influence our behavior. But SWEIT are actually concerned for the impatiences the smart devices and computer technology might be causing us in the future. Even J.C.R. Licklider him self (the man who enabled and pioneer interactive computing and the internet) mentioned that buyers of personalized computers will insist on “easy to use, easy to learned and quick to learn”. Providing insight that patience don’t seem to increase with the use of ICT devices, rather that an attitude for faster learning will be on demand which might come at the risk of increasing impatience when demand is not met.
And how often are we not agitated when stuff does not work properly? I mean today we are surfing the net daily from all parts of the world, with the potential of bringing huge benefit to goods and services for the users and of course to the regions that enables internet bases services. But when do the use of the technology such as the web becomes destructive for the environment and to society at large?
The internet based companies continues to concurred out a lot of our local healthy business practice and isolates humans a bit to much in certain areas. What previously was sold at the local squares, was later sold at the local market, but more is now transitioning to be sold through e-commerce.. even food. This in turn creates more delivery and less social life in the cities or squares that previously reflected a pulse of life and today often are bypassed without looking up from the screen we touch daily. So it begs the question: Where is internet disturbing healthy societal practices? Let’s list the good and the bad:
Pros: Making communication easy, making information more accessible, enables services such as paying bills, buying stuff and finding answers online direcly from your home.
Providing more efficient practices to business, education, security, health, manufacturing, environmentally,science, space and potential development for all users.
Cons: Easy way to become isolated causing us bad health, Addictive – Who haven’t been stuck behind the screen? Exposes us to poor integrity, who haven’t shared your personal info to just to continue with what your where doing (playing games, entering a site, shopping?), easy the increase over consumption and decrease your part of the local economy when no longer physically connected to the business spaces in your region.
Test: How much c02 is realized by going down to the local square to make your grocery’s compared to ordering it through the web?
The square scenario: A bit sweaty if you buy many things, but that should be beneficial to my health. And I myself did not affect the environment by visiting the square. Environmentally friendly indeed.
The online web scenario: by contrast if I would of order the same stuff through the web, the deliver would contribute to more emission… How much is hard to say. But SWEIT actually asked a few of the delivery drivers on the street (4 randomly) about how many kilometers they drove per day and they seems hesitant to say exact numbers, but on average they easily drove more than 100km per day.
Lesson learned? Don’t isolate your self to long! Activate yourself, take a walk or a shopping tour and find the things you can be provided with locally and contribute to the local economy and be part of the atmosphere. And if you are sick or don’t have time to walk to the square, sure take the cost for ordering through the web, but try to prioritize yourself to explore your community another time;)
Stay tuned for next weeks update!