4. Electronic age can be defined starting around 1940 and right now.
But this age reflects a cross road moment, where Information Technologies creates new branches of sub-domains and humans creativity lets these sub-domain takes on a form of it’s own. Lets mention just a few and see if we can find some nostalgia:
The electronic era enable humans to enter space now over 60 years ago! From Gagarin’s historic 1961 space flight and Neil Armstrong’s flight to the moon in July 20 1969! All due to computer language & internal computer memory that made computer reprogrammable and even more efficient to use in new circumstances!
The era also opened up the digital gaming market, through Mainframe simulations that around 1970’s evolved into classic arcade games. It would only take a decade before the rise of the gaming consoles of the likes of SEGA, Nintendo to evolve and create a new culture, where we could enjoy 2D games such as Super Mario on the NES (8-bits) or Sonic the hedgehog through SEGA!
Not to forget fantastic games such as Settlers, Backpacker and Diablo on the modern day computer! Gaming evolved in par with increase computing power such of more memory processing & storage power etc. The gaming industry is actually a part of the entrainment industry all of which have been enabled by Information Technology! I.T. transformed during this era and has continued to grow ever since! Just to put some perspective, the video gaming market is expected to reach a whopping $277 billion in 2025!
But lets not stop there, because the electronic age gave birth to the world wide web (www went public 1991) commonly known as the internet (or “the net”) that you are using now and probably everyday!
It literally created additional ways to communicate with Information Technology on a virtual scale, which SWEIT believe is just in it’s infancy. We expect to se a big increase of transitions from analog to virtual platforms on the net! The net that is evolving more to a cloud of networks that will expose us to a very different world that will emerge from the likes of IoT, Mixed Reality, Additive Manufacturing also known as 3D printing and mush mush more! SWEIT also hopes to contribute in this future through new collaborations globally and regionally! And of course by knowledge sharing!
We hope you have enjoyed the journey through the four phases of Information Technology!
Stay tune for more info!