
Due to new assignments with Empir Industry, SWEIT have paused availability of below services. Please enjoy our blog posts on the continuing evolution of Information Technology.

SweIT is a Swedish consultant firm & we are eager to offer our services. We help with continual improvements , transition and IT-support in order to find balance in your business.

We are used to the ever changing environment and can enable IT in a successful way to adapt to new situations. With the right investment in competence and solutions, businesses succeeds with their IT strategies.

Let’s take a swedish fika either locacally in Västra Götaland where we currently are located or a digital fika if you a global organization with an interest of securing access to local Swedish IT comptence and know how.

SweIT offers IT services locally and globally.

Pandemic affects?

2020 forced change to happen all over the world. As a consequence, will this increase the workload for IT?


Let’s fika either locacally in Västra Götaland where we currently are located or a digital fika if you a global business with an interest of securing access to local Swedish IT comptence and know how.

We offer IT both locally and globally at a distance(remotely)!


Update 3: Pros vs Cons

Printing gone viral? We mentioned the importance of the printing press before in our series about Information Technology History, but the printing press has during the last decade been in a transitioning phase and “new” printing technologies are emerging all over the world and might provide the best environmental impact since a long time. But lets take …

Update 2: Pros vs Cons

In last weeks update we initiated a new series of “pros vs cons” articles! In order to question our selfs and our ideas about everyday tech. We continue the series this week with: 2. Wireless network technology  Wireless technology was first termed around 1890 for the wireless telegraph that Guglielmo Marconi was credited for inventing. He …

Suppose that the progress made within IT/tech in general is beneficial to humans, how do we know?

In recent updates to our blog we might have suggest other wise. However we want to be clear there are clear benefits being made in all kinds of circumstance like in business, education, security, health, manufacturing, environment, science, space and of course in general to our virtual worlds, where we create the likes of world metropoles …


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